
Diabetes is a disease that affects 20 million people in the  U.S.and there are approximately 300 million diabetics
worldwide.  It is the third leading cause of death and the major cause of blindness, heart disease, kidney failure,
amputations, and digestive  disorders.  The  major causes of diabetes are heredity, immune system
dysfunction, and viruses.  However, there are contributing causes, including obesity, lack of exercise, and
improper nutrition.  Improper nutrition is a result of the over-consumption of processed, chemically treated,
overcooked, high fat, high glycemic, packaged, and nutrient deficient food.

Diabetes affects all races.  
Yet, most people are unaware that diabetes and many blood sugar disorders
can  be  prevented, managed and treated.
 At the Diabetes Resource Center,  we feel that the whole food
approach is the only approach to total health and well-being.  It is long over due that diabetics and others be
given food as a treatment for many of our illnesses and diseases.

What is Diabetes?  

Diabetes is a serious chronic condition.  It is a condition where the body either doesn’t make, or properly use,
insulin.  This causes the sugar to build up in your bloodstream instead of going into the cells of the body.  This
means your body can’t make the energy it needs from the food you eat.

Diabetes is a disease that affects 20 million people in the U.S., and there are approximately 300 million diabetics
worldwide.  It is the third leading cause of death and is the major cause of:  blindness, heart disease, kidney
failure, amputations, and digestive disorders.  

Who is at risk?

Everyone  who  lives and breathes needs to be concerned about diabetes.  Energy is produced from glucose
and glucose is produced from our food.  If we are not eating properly, we are not producing efficient energy.  
Then we begin storing fat, and we set the stage for illness and disease. Any time one of our basic needs is out
of balance, the body is under stress and cannot function properly.


There are two forms of diabetes:

Type I:  insulin-dependent diabetes (juvenile).  The body produces little or no insulin.  This means the sugar
cannot enter cells to be used for energy and the blood sugar level remains high.  Type I diabetics must take
insulin shots to live.  About 10% of all diabetics, mainly children and young adults.  Symptoms usually appear
suddenly and can occur at any age.   
Type I
•           frequent and urgent urination

•           increased thirst

•           increased hunger

•           sudden unexplained weight loss

•           feeling of weakness or tiredness  
Type II:  non-insulin dependent diabetes (adult-onset).  The body may make insulin, but it either doesn’t make
or can’t properly use the insulin it makes to control the level of sugar in the blood.  As a result, little or
no sugar gets into the body cells - this causes the sugar to build up in the blood.  

Type II diabetics may have to take diabetic pills (oral hypoglycemic agents) or in uncontrolled circumstances,
insulin.  Type II accounts for approximately 90% of all diabetics.  Often occurs in mostly older diabetics.  
However, there has been a rise of young children developing Type II diabetes.  Symptoms are easily overlooked
as they
usually develop slowly and tend to build up over a long period of time.  Symptoms may not be present at
Type II
•      feeling tired and/or weak

•      blurred vision

•      dry and/or itchy skin

•      increased thirst, increased hunger

•      increased urination

•      tingling and/or loss of feeling in hands or feet
 slow healing cuts or sores

•      frequent or non-healing infections  (vaginal
 yeast and/or bladder)

•      problems with sexual function   
Gestational Diabetes:  develops in women who are pregnant.  Approximately 2 - 3% of all women develop G.
D.  About 35% may have the possibility of later developing Type II diabetes.  

Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT):  affects nearly everyone.  The body has either too much or too little
insulin.  Neither state is healthy.  Continuous cycles of rollercoaster high and low blood sugar levels can
develop into hypoglycemia and diabetes.  It can be prevented, managed and controlled.  Nearly everyone at
some point in their life has experienced low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), they just don’t recognize it.


The main causes of diabetes are:  heredity, immune system, and viruses.  There are other contributing causes
including:  obesity, lack of exercises, and most importantly improper nutrition, resulting from the
overconsumption of processed, chemically treated, overcooked, high fat, high glycemic, packaged, fast food -
nutrient deficient food.

It is important to remember that diabetes remains a serious, chronic condition with potential short-term and
long-term complications.  For those taking insulin, hypoglycemia or low blood sugars is a constant concern.  
People with undiagnosed, untreated or long-term diabetes are at risk of developing chronic complications
including:  nerve and blood vessel damage affecting eyes, heart, limbs, kidneys, and stomach.  Early detection
is critical.

Diabetics can live a normal healthy life with the proper education, management and treatment.  Complications
can be delayed, halted and even prevented!

Blood Glucose Testing

Blood sugar testing is the most important key in taking control of your diabetes and your life.  It is also
important for anyone with a blood sugar handling problem (hypoglycemia and impaired glucose tolerance).  
You cannot rely solely on how you feel - your blood sugar may be higher than normal yet you may feel fine.  
You must test your blood sugar to know how well your diabetes management program is working.

Record keeping is important for your doctor to see and correct any problems you may be having in
controlling your sugar levels.  Blood sugars will form a pattern over a period of time.  Monitoring is a
powerful tool in tracking and controlling your blood sugar levels which will help prevent the development of
long-term complications.  

Is there any Hope?

It is important to understand that:  Diabetes, IGT, and hypoglycemia, can be prevented, managed and
controlled!  We recommend the following:      
7 Steps to Diabetes Management

1.  Test Blood Glucose (four times per day)

    *  before breakfast                  *  before dinner
    *  before lunch                       *  before bedtime
(Test urine ketones when ill and when blood glucose over 240)

2.   Eat 3 meals  and 3 snacks per day
    Eat every 2-3 hours -
based on Balanced    
    Nutritional Plan (mainly Whole Foods:  
        Whole Grains, Vegetables, Legumes, Fruit.

3.   Water - Drink eight - 8 oz. glasses daily.   
    (or 1/2 your body weight in ounces.)

Exercise regularly  (at least every other day).

Medication - take as prescribed.

A1C blood test - have taken every 3 months.

Health care provider team - consult regularly.   
Our bodies were not designed to work so hard to receive the nutrients from our food.  Degenerative diseases
like diabetes can be halted and the lives of millions can be changed with proper nutrition and education.
Special Education and Information available by request on:

•        Up-to-date research and technology
Insulin Pump Therapy
•        And much more!

For more information check out our
books and contact us at:
