Dr. Sandy D. Corlett, ND, DPH, D.PSc.

Dr. Sandy D. Corlett, ND, DPH, ThD, D.PSc., is President and
Director of the Diabetes Resource Center, Inc. and Center for
Nutritional Medicine; International Disciples of Christ; Minister of
Healing Waters Ministry; Sola Scriptura Bible Institute; Teshuvah
Living; an Author, Educator, and Researcher in the fields of health,
healing, diabetes, nutrition, fitness, and stress control.  She has
trained extensively in multiple natural health, and counseling
disciplines and has a doctorate in Theology.   

Throughout her career, Dr. Sandy Corlett's research has been focused at the cellular level, with a specialty in
diabetes and nutrition.  She speaks to audiences around the world on the basic requirements of a healthy
lifestyle and diet, sharing her delicious, alkalizing, vegetarian recipes and focusing on
detoxification and an
alkaline pH of the body.      

Live Blood Analysis with a microscope, you can view a biological process called
           Pleomorphism.  She uses this educational tool as a window into your nutritional health and can help
           you discover the etiology of disease such as diabetes, cancer, and atherosclerosis.

A Live Blood Nutritional Assessment will help you:

~   Discover how the choices you make each day affect your overall health and well
~   See the
effect certain foods, drinks, and environmental toxins have on your body
and blood.
~   To
detect and prevent underlying sickness and disease.
~   To learn
how to take responsibility for your health.
~   To
balance your system by giving it the nutrition it needs from 100% Pure Plant Based Whole Foods.

Dr. Sandy Corlett has devoted her career to searching for and finding the missing pieces necessary to complete
the larger picture of health.  At the Diabetes Resource Center, Inc. and Center for Nutritional Medicine, we spent
years researching diseased and healthy cells under the microscope to help prevent sickness.     

Dr. Corlett is the founder of the Diabetes Resource Center and the Center for Nutritional Medicine wherein all
research has taken place.  She has authored many books, CDs, DVDs and conducted seminars internationally on
                                        diabetes, digestion, live blood analysis, and so much more.  Dr. Corlett has also
                                        founded Sola Scriptura Bible Institute and Teshuvah Living, a ministry that
                                        teaches righteous and healthy living, by preparing people for what is to come
                                        by providing
“Food for the Body and Soul.”  In addition to teaching them
                                        how to grow, store, and prepare their own food, Teshuvah Living has created
Everyday FoodTM, which are All Natural & Organic Whole Food products,
with a wide range of whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits, and very importantly
Sprouts, designed to
sustain you—
Not just for the short term, but health for the long term!

According to Dr. Corlett's health and wellness program, the nutrients found in living foods -
green foods, sprouts, alkalizing foods, and water can bring the body back into balance.
We contaminate and pollute our bodies and blood through what we
eat, drink, and breathe; and
our spirit and soul are affected through what we
think, say, and do.  It is all about our choices
– and the result is life or death.

Sandy was
run over by a car at the age of one, which broke both her legs, pelvis bone, severally crippled and
handicapped her.  She was never supposed to walk again.  As a
diabetic of 30 years, she has been blind, lost
the use of her legs, been in numerous comas, had congestive heart failure, kidney failure, a heart
attack, and serious digestive disorders.
 By the grace of God, she has been healed!  To Him she gives all the
glory, honor, and praise!
 Sandy has answered the call of God upon her life to teach others that this does not
have to happen to them, and that they have a choice in everything they do.


•        Education
Diabetes, Digestion, Detoxification, Nutrition, Weight Management, Stress Control, Health & Healing, Food for
the Body & Soul)
Free Health Screening  
(Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, CHD Risk Factor, Weight & BMI, Fitness, and Stress Control)
Live Blood Analysis (Live and Dried Blood)
Nutritional Products (Whole Food, Sprouts, Digestive)

Appointments Available:  Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (or other as needed)

Cost of Service:  Live & Dried Blood Analysis $75, Comprehensive L&D $125 – Education:  Free* -  Health
Screening:  Free

Contact:  Appointments can be made at 678-481-0577 or 770-277-3337, sdcorlett@bellsouth.net.  For more

Diabetes Resource Center, Inc.
Center for Nutritional Medicine

New 'Home' Office located at:  
1973 Trestlebrook Way, Buford, GA  30519

770-277-3337  -  800-354-0004 – 678-481-0577 (cell)